Sunday 19 April 2009

I am Thomas

Good morning, my name is Thomas. You might have heard of me. I was one of Jesus’ disciples, been with him from when he first started going around the Jewish countryside, teaching, telling stories, healing people. Most people call me doubting Thomas because of something that happened to me at the end of Jesus’ time on earth. But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. I do want to tell you the story of that day, but I’d like to build up to it, it that’s OK with you. Fill in some of the background. It might help to make a bit more sense of it for you.

I’d like to take you back to a few months before the end of Jesus’ time on earth, to a remote wilderness on the other side of the river Jordan from Jerusalem. Jesus had got it into his head that he ought to go back to Bethany, just down the road from Jerusalem. To be fair, we had just had some really bad news. Word had reached us that our mate, Lazarus, was really ill. What was really odd though was that when the message reached us Jesus didn’t seem to be in any hurry at all. We hung around for a couple of days and then, just as we were finishing breakfast on the third day Jesus announces that we ought to go and visit Lazarus.

This went down like a lead balloon. Last time we had been to the area, we had barely escaped with our lives, because the religious leaders had been plotting to kill Jesus. The others tried to talk Jesus out of it, but he was determined. Then, it all got even more bizarre. Jesus said that Lazarus was dead, but how he knew this was a complete mystery, it wasn’t like we’d had any more messages. We maybe could have understood it if he had wanted to go and see Lazarus when we was sick. We’d seen him heal plenty of people, he could have healed Lazarus as well, but no, he waited until Lazarus was dead, and then was in a big hurry to walk into danger. Really bizarre.

In the end I said to the others, “Let’s go with him, at least we can all die together”. But, as we were to find out later, death wasn’t where this story would end.

Continued here...

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